What are website cookies?

What Are Website Cookies?

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded on to your computer when you visit a website. It helps website owner to understand the purpose of visit.

Cookies help to gather most accurate information about the user to give better experience it records data and keeps the browsing history for future interactions to give results which are most accurate to the needs of the user.

Cookies are also used to remember preferences of the user as well as recording your shopping cart items and counting how many people have visited the website.

How they work?

When a visitor visits a website as a stranger, it is like someone entering an event for which organisers ask to register and get a registration card in this way they can collect some information about you alongside providing you identity for your visit, the information gathered can be used to offer most relevant products and services most suited to the visitor’s requirements.

Similarly, cookies are used to extract the information about your visit, which pages and products you were looking into—what is your identity and where are you located—if most people in your locality a searching for similar products the stock level in their area for those particular products can also be increased.

What does they mean to you?

Each individual computer/laptop or the internet connection at home or in offices can be identified through small codes which are called DNS. These can be understood by the registration number you were given on your card when you registered any of the events or for a store card. This number will be remembered by the system and on your next visit the event organisers will identify you straight way.

This will create a profile of you in the system by identifying those codes which are unique to each visitor—this way the website holders know your preferences and on your next visit will show you similar products or services which you mostly look for on their website.

Cookies Glossary:


  • Cookie: A text file which accesses information about the website user to store preferences.
  • Browser: It is the search engine each and every internet user uses to find their query—for example—Google Chrome-Internet explorer—Safari—etc.
  • HTTPS: HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure—which allows data to transfer to and from the browser securely—which help users of internet to navigate and transfer valuable information on any website without feeling unsecure.
  • Server: A server is a large data storage where information and data is stored to provide access to millions of internet users around the World—where website information is stored.
  • Catch: A catch is a software component which stores data to provide efficient access to the website when someone revisits it next time.


The Rules Book: 

The rules on cookies are covered by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR). PECR also covers the use of similar technologies for storing or accessing information, such as ‘Flash cookies and device fingerprinting.

The ICO is responsible for enforcing these rules.

How do the cookie regulations affect me?

You may come across information about cookies and similar technologies on websites and be given choices about how some cookies are used. This might include, for example, being asked to agree to a cookie being used for a particular service, such as remembering your preferences on a site.

Organisations have to provide clear and comprehensive information about the way they use cookies, and ensure that for any cookie not strictly necessary for their website, they give you an appropriate means of consenting to that cookie being set on your device.

How can I control my cookies?

Browser controls

You can use your web browser to:

  • delete all cookies;
  • block all cookies;
  • allow all cookies;
  • block ‘third-party’ cookies (i.e., cookies set by online services other than the one you are visiting);
  • clear all cookies when you close the browser;
  • open a ‘private browsing’ / ‘incognito’ session, which allows you to browse the web without recording your browsing history or storing local data such as cookies (you should however be aware of the limitations of this feature in a privacy context); and
  • install add-ons and plugins that extend browser functionality.

Where to find information about controlling cookies


Useful information


Report your cookie complaints

If you want to complaint about cookies stored on your computer without taking any consent unlawfully—you can complaint about this. This will help find out how organisations are complying with the cookie law.


For complaints https://wh.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=150296439091


For more information about cookies and law visit Information commissioner’s office at below link.


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